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Guidelines for successful breast feeding (Panduan pemberian ASI yang benar)

First 8 Hours  First 8–24 Hours  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6 Onward 
Milk supply You may be able to express a few drops of milk. Milk should come in between the second and fourth days. Milk should be in. Breasts may be firm or leak milk. Breasts should feel softer after feedings.
Baby's activity Baby is usually wide-awake in the first hour of life. Put baby to breast within 30 min after birth. Wake up your baby. Babies may not wake up on their own to feed. Baby should be more cooperative and less sleepy. Look for early feeding cues such as rooting, lip smacking, and hands to face. Baby should appear satisfied after feedings.
Feeding routine Baby may go into a deep sleep 2–4 h after birth. Use chart to write down time of each feeding. May go one longer interval (up to 5 h between feeds) in a 24-h period.
Feed your baby every 1–4 h or as often as wanted—at least 8–12 times a day.
Breast feeding Baby will wake up and be alert and responsive for several more hours after initial deep sleep. As long as the mother is comfortable, nurse at both breasts as long as baby is actively sucking. Try to nurse both sides each feeding, aiming at 10 min per side. Expect some nipple tenderness. Consider hand expressing or pumping a few drops of milk to soften the nipple if the breast is too firm for the baby to latch on.
Nurse a minimum of 10–30 min per side every feeding for the first few weeks of life.
Once milk supply is well established, allow baby to finish the first breast before offering the second.
Mother's nipple tenderness is improving or is gone.
Baby's urine output Baby must have a minimum of one wet diaper in the first 24 h. Baby must have at least one wet diaper every 8–11 h. You should see an increase in wet diapers (up to four to six) in 24 h. Baby's urine should be light yellow. Baby should have six to eight wet diapers per day of colorless or light yellow urine.
Baby's stool Baby may have a very dark (meconium) stool. Baby may have a second very dark (meconium) stool. Baby's stools should be in transition from black-green to yellow. Baby should have three or four yellow, seedy stools a day. The number of stools may decrease gradually after 4–6 wk

Referensi : Current Diagnosis & Treatment Pediatrics 20th Edition (McGraw-Hill) 2010

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