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Common Innocent Heart Murmurs in Children

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Type (Timing) Description of Murmur Age Group
Classic vibratory murmur (Still's murmur) (systolic) Maximal at MLSB or between LLSB and apex 3–6 yr
Grade 2 to 3/6 Occasionally in infancy
Low-frequency vibratory, “twanging string,” groaning, squeaking, or musical
Pulmonary ejection murmur (systolic) Maximal at ULSB 8–14 yr
Early to midsystolic
Grade 1 to 3/6 in intensity
Blowing in quality
Pulmonary flow murmur of newborn (systolic) Maximal at ULSB Prematures and full-term newborns
Transmits well to the left and right chest, axilla, and back
Grade 1 to 2/6 in intensity Usually disappears by 3–6 mo of age
Venous hum (continuous) Maximal at right (or left) supraclavicular and infraclavicular areas 3–6 yr
Grade 1 to 3/6 in intensity
Inaudible in the supine position
Intensity changes with rotation of the head and compression of the jugular vein
Carotid bruit (systolic) Right supraclavicular area and over the carotids Any age
Grade 2 to 3/6 in intensity
Occasional thrill over a carotid

Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners 5th Edition by Myung K. Park (Elsivier) 2008

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