Paket SpM berisi kumpulan buku-buku Ophthalmology dalam bentuk digital. Berikut daftar judulnya:
- A Textbook of Clinical Ophthalmology - A Practical Guide to Disorders of the Eyes & Their Management 3rd Edition (World Scientific Publishing) 2003 - $53.00
- ABC of Eyes 4th Edition (BMJ Publishing) 2004
- Advances in Understanding Mechanisms and Treatment of Infantile Forms of Nystagmus by R. John Leigh (Oxford University Press) 2008 - $89.95
- Amblyopia - A Multidisciplinary Approach by Merrick Moseley (Elsevier) 2002 - $84.95
- An Evidence Base for Ophthalmic Nursing Practice by Janet Marsden (John Wiley & Sons) 2007 - $64.99
- An Introduction to the Visual System (Cambridge University Press) 2008 - $49.99
- Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography by Roger Steinert (Slack Inc) 2008 - $174.95
- Applied Pathology for Ophthalmic Microsurgeons (Springer) 2008 - $209.00
- Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired and Blind People by Marion A. Hersh (Springer) 2008 - $269.00
- Atlas of Fundus Autofluorescence Imaging (Springer) 2007 - $109.00
- Atlas of Glaucoma 2nd Edition by T. Choplin Neil (Informa Healthcare) 2007 - $260.00
- Atlas of Lacrimal Surgery by R.K. Weber (Springer) 2007
- Atlas of Oculofacial Reconstruction - Principles & Techniques for the Repair of Periocular Defects (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2009
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 01 - Update on General Medicine - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 02 - Fundamentals and Principal of Ophthalmology - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 03 - Clinical Optics - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 04 - Ophthalmic Pathology and Intaocular tumours - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 05 - Neuro-ophthalmology - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 06 - Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 07 - Orbit, Eyelids, and Lacrimal System - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 08 - External Disease and Cornea - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 09 - Intraocular Inflammation and Uveitis - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 10 - Glaucoma - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 11 - Lens and Cataract - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 12 - Olfaction - $99.00
- Basic and Clinical Science Course 2007-2008 (The American Academy of Ophthalmology) Section 13 - Refractive Surgery - $99.00
- Becker-Shaffer's Diagnosis and Therapy of the Glaucomas 8th Edition (Elsevier) 2009 - $249.00
- Bimanual Phaco - Mastering the Phakonit-MICS Technique by Amar Agarwal (SLACK Inc) 2005 - $141.95
- Borish's Clinical Refraction by William J. Benjamin (Elsevier) 2006 - $211.00
- Cataract Surgery in the Glaucoma Patient by Sandra M. Johnson (Springer) 2009 - $159.00
- Clinical Medicine in Optometric Practice 2nd Edition by Bruce Muchnick (Elsevier) 2008 - $102.95
- Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology - A Practical Guide (Springer) 2007 - $239.00
- Clinical Ocular Pharmacology 5th Edition by Jimmy D. Bartlett (Elsevier) 2008 - $135.00
- Clinical Ocular Toxicology - Drug-Induced Ocular Side Effects by Frederick T. Fraunfelder (Elsevier) 2008 - $155.00
- Clinical Ophthalmic Echography - A Case Study Approach (Springer) 2008 - $79.95
- Clinical Ophthalmic Oncology by Arun D. Singh (Elsevier) 2007 - $217.00
- Clinical Pathways in Glaucoma (Thieme) 2001 - $109.95
- Clinical Practice in Small Incision Cataract Surgery (Taylor & Francis) 2004 - $299.95
- Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care 3rd Edition by David B. Elliott (Elsevier) 2007 - $82.95
- Clinical Retina by David A. Quillen (AMA Press) 2002 - $149.00
- Clinical Skills for the Ophthalmic Examination - Basic Procedures by Lindy DuBois (SLACK Inc) 2006 - $43.95
- Color Atlas of Herpetic Eye Disease - A Practical Guide to Clinical Management by Rainer Sundmacher (Springer) 2009 - $189.00
- Color Atlas of Strabismus Surgery - Strategies & Techniques 3rd Edition (Springer) 2007 - $199.00
- Colour Atlas of Ophthalmology 3rd Edition (World Scientific Publishing) 1996
- Common Eye Diseases and their Management 3rd Edition (Springer) 2006 - $79.95
- Common Neuro-Ophthalmic Pitfalls - Case-Based Teaching by Valerie A. Purvin (Cambridge University Press) 2009 - $81.00
- Complications in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery (Springer) 2003 - $179.00
- Comprehensive Ophthalmology 4th Edition by A.K. Khurana (New Age Int) 2007 - $99.00
- Contact Lenses in Ophthalmic Practice by Mark J. Mannis (Springer) 2004 - $59.95
- Corneal Transplantation - An Immunological Guide to the Clinical Problem (Imperial College Press) 2004 - $110.00
- Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders 3rd Edition by Alec M. Ansons (Blackwell Publishing) 2001 - $264.99
- Diagnostic Atlas of Common Eyelid Diseases (Informa Healthcare) 2007 - $329.95
- Diseases of the Orbit - A Multidisciplinary Approach 2nd Edition by Jack Rootman (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2003 - $199.00
- Dry Eye and Ocular Surface Disorders (Marcel Dekker) 2004 - $229.95
- Electrodiagnosis of Retinal Diseases by Yozo Miyake (Springer) 2006 - $239.00
- Emergency Ophthalmology - A Rapid Treatment Guide by Kenneth C. Chern (McGraw-Hill) 2002 - $69.95
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Cataract and Refractive Surgery by Thomas Kohnen (Springer) 2006 - $139.00
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Cataract and Refractive Surgery Progress III by Thomas Kohnen (Springer) 2009 - $109.00
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Cornea & External Eye Disease (Springer) 2008 - $129.00
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Glaucoma (Springer) 2006 - $109.00
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Glaucoma Progress III by Franz Grehn (Springer) 2009 - $109.00
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Medical Retina by F.G. Holz & R.F. Spaide (Springer) 2007 - $135.00
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Genetics (Springer) 2008 - $129.00
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Uveitis & Immunological Disorders (Springer) 2005 - $135.00
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Uveitis & Immunological Disorders Progress III by Uwe Pleyer (Springer) 2009 - $109.00
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Vitreo-retinal Surgery by B. Kirchhof & D. Wong (Springer) 2007 - $135.00
- Essentials in Ophthalmology - Vitreo-retinal Surgery Progress III by S. Rizzo, F. Patelli & D.R. Chow (Springer) 2009 - $109.00
- Evidence-based Approach in Cataract Surgery (Taylor & Francis) 2005 - $109.95
- Evidence-Based Eye Care (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2007 - $110.00
- Eye Essentials - Assessment & Investigative Techniques by Sandip Doshi (Elsevier) 2005 - $46.95
- Eye Essentials - Cataract - Assessment, Classification and Management by Raman Malhotra (Elsevier) 2008 - $55.95
- Eye Essentials - Diabetes and The Eye by Chris Steele (Elsevier) 2008 - $55.95
- Eye Essentials - Ophthalmic Imaging by James Wolffsohn (Elsevier) 2008 - $42.95
- Eye Essentials - Routine Eye Examination by Bill Harvey (Elsevier) 2005 - $48.95
- Eye Movement Disorders (Oxford University Press) 2007 - $65.00
- Field of Vision - A Manual and Atlas of Perimetry (Humana Press) 2003 - $179.00
- Fluorescence Angiography in Ophthalmology (Springer) 2008 - $159.00
- Free Radicals in Ophthalmic Disorders (Informa Healthcare) 2008 - $229.95
- Fundamentals of Clinical Ophthalmology - Cataract Surgery (BMJ Publishing) 2003 - $136.95
- Fundamentals of Clinical Ophthalmology - Cornea (BMJ Publishing) 2002 - $120.95
- Fundamentals of Clinical Ophthalmology - Plastic & Orbital Surgery (BMJ Books) 2001 - $140.95
- Fundamentals of Clinical Ophthalmology - Scleritis (BMJ Publishing) 2001 - $107.95
- Fundamentals of Clinical Ophthalmology - Strabismus (BMJ Publishing) 2003 - $117.95
- Fundus Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green Angiography - A Textbook and Atlas by Amar Agarwal (SLACK Inc) 2008 - $151.95
- Garner and Klintworth's Pathobiology of Ocular Disease 3rd Edition 2 Volume Set (Informa Healthcare) 2008 - $699.95
- Geriatric Ophthalmology - A Competency-based Approach by Andrew G. Lee (Springer) 2009
- Gladstone & Nesi's Oculoplastic Surgery Atlas - Cosmetic Facial Surgery (Springer) 2005 - $149.00
- Glaucoma - Identification & Co-management by David Edgar (Elsevier) 2007 - $104.00
- Glaucoma - Science and Practice (Thieme) 2003 - $179.95
- Glaucoma Diagnosis - Structure & Function (Kugler Publications) 2004 - $60.00
- Glaucoma Medical Therapy - Principles & Management 2nd Edition (Oxford University Press) 2008 - $79.50
- Glaucoma Surgery (Taylor & Francis) 2005 - $249.95
- Graves' Orbitopathy - A Multidisciplinary Approach by Wilmar M. Wiersinga (KARGER) 2007 - $166.00
- Handbook of EMDR and family therapy processes (John Wiley & Sons) 2007 - $65.00
- Handbook of Glaucoma (Taylor & Francis) 2003 - $119.95
- Handbook of Nutrition and Ophthalmology (Humana Press) 2007 - $179.00
- Handbook of Optical Coherence Tomography (Marcel Dekker) 2002 - $249.95
- Handbook of Pediatric Strabismus & Amblyopia (Springer) 2006 - $74.95
- Henderson's Orbital Tumors 4th Edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2007 - $225.00
- Imaging of Orbital and Visual Pathway Pathology by Wibke S. Müller-Forell (Springer) 2006 - $149.00
- Inherited Eye Diseases - Diagnosis and Management 2nd edition (Taylor & Francis) 2005 - $249.95
- Innovations in the Glaucomas - Etiology, Diagnosis and Management by Benjamin F. Boyd (Highlights of Ophthalmology) 2002
- Intraocular Drug Delivery (Informa Healthcare) 2006 - $230.00
- Intraocular Pressure (Kugler Publications) 2007
- Investigative Techniques and Ocular Examination by Sandip Doshi (Elsevier) 2003 - $106.00
- Kansky Clinical Ophthalmology - A Systematic Approach 6th Edition (Elsevier) 2007 - $249.00
- Lang's Ophthalmology - A Pocket Textbook Atlas 2nd Edition (Thieme) 2007 - $59.95
- LASEK, PRK, and Excimer Laser Stromal Surface Ablation (Taylor & Francis) 2005 - $229.95
- LASIK - A Handbook for Optometrists by Michelle Hanratty (Elsevier) 2005 - $83.95
- Lasik (Laser in Situ Keratomileusis) - Fundamentals, Surgical Techniques and Complications (Marcel Dekker) 2002 - $249.95
- Lasik and Beyond Lasik - Wavefront Analysis and Customized Ablations by Benjamin Boyd (Highlights of Ophthalmology Int'l) 2002 - $99.00
- Lecture Note's on Ophthalmology 9th Edition (Blackwell Publishing) 2003
- Light Vision Color (John Wiley & Sons) 2005 - $85.00
- Low Vision Manual by A. Jonathan Jackson (Elsevier) 2007 - $103.95
- Macular Degeneration (Springer) 2004 - $219.00
- Management of Cataracts and Glaucoma (Taylor & Francis) 2005
- Management of Complications in Refractive Surgery (Springer-Verlag) 2008
- Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis 7th Edition (Blackwell Publishing) 2007 - $76.95
- Manual of Ocular Diagnosis & Therapy 6th Edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2008 - $59.95
- Master Techniques in Cataract & Refractive Surgery (SLACK Inc) 2004 - $197.95
- MCQs in Basic Sciences (Ophthalmology Series) by Chua Chung Nen (Alcon Laboratories) 2006
- Mechanisms of the Glaucomas - Disease Processes and Therapeutic Modalities by Joyce Tombran-Tink (Humana Press) 2008 - $189.00
- Minimally Invasive Ophthalmic Surgery by I. Howard Fine (Springer) 2009 - $189.00
- Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology (Elsevier) 2007 - $85.95
- Neuro-Ophthalmology (Blue Books of Neurology Series) by Desmond P. Kidd (Elsevier) 2008 - $199.00
- Non-Penetrating Glaucoma Surgery by Andre Mermoud (Martin Dunitz) 2001 - $169.95
- Ocular Angiogenesis - Diseases, Mechanisms, and Therapeutics (Humana Press) 2006 - $189.00
- Ocular Blood Flow and Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy by Maneli Mozaffarieh (Springer) 2009 - $109.00
- Ocular Differential Diagnosis 7th Edition by Frederick Hampton Roy (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2002 - $99.00
- Ocular Infection 2nd Edition (Informa Healthcare) 2007 - $299.95
- Ocular Neuroprotection (Marcel Dekker) 2003 - $199.95
- Ocular Oncology (Marcel Dekker) 2003 - $199.95
- Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics - A Primary Care Guide by Michael J. Doughty (Elsevier) 2001 - $110.00
- Ocular Surface Disease - Medical and Surgical Management (Springer) 2002 - $219.00
- Ocular Therapeutics - Eye on New Discoveries (Elsevier) 2008 - $171.00
- Ocular Therapeutics Handbook - A Clinical Manual 2nd Edition by Bruce E Onofrey (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2005 - $85.00
- Ocular Transporters in Ophthalmic Diseases and Drug Delivery by Joyce Tombran-Tink (Humana Press) 2008 - $199.00
- Ocular Trauma - Principles and Practice (Thieme) 2002 - $361.10
- Ocular Traumatology by Ferenc Kuhn (Springer) 2008 - $59.95
- Ophthalmic Medications & Pharmacology 2nd Edition (Slack Inc) 2006 - $43.95
- Ophthalmic Microsurgical Suturing Techniques (Springer) 2007 - $159.00
- Ophthalmic Nursing 3rd Edition by Rosalind Stollery (Blackwell Publishing) 2005 - $69.99
- Ophthalmic Pathology - An Illustrated Guide for Clinicians by K. Weng Sehu (Blackwell Publishing) 2005 - $309.95
- Ophthalmology - A Short Textbook (Thieme) 2000 - $142.73
- Ophthalmology at a Glance (Blackwell Publishing) 2005 - $40.95
- Ophtho Notes - The Essential Guide (Thieme) 2003 - $49.95
- Optic Nerve Disorders - Diagnosis & Management (Springer) 2007 - $39.95
- Optical Coherence Tomography - Principles and Applications (Elsevier) 2006 - $114.00
- Optical Coherence Tomography - Technology and Applications (Springer) 2008 - $209.00
- Optical Coherence Tomography in Age-Related Macular Degeneration (OCT in AMD) by Gabriel Coscas (Springer) 2009
- Optical Coherence Tomography in Cardiovascular Research (Informa Healthcare) 2007 - $349.95
- Optical Coherence Tomography of Ocular Diseases (Slack Inc) 2004 - $319.95
- Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy by David J. Brady (John Wiley & Sons) 2009 - $116.00
- Optics, Retinoscopy, and Refractometry 2nd Edition by Al Lens (SLACK Inc) 2006 - $43.95
- Orbital Disease - Present Status & Future Challenges (Taylor & Francis) 2005 - $199.95
- Orbital Tumors - Diagnosis and Treatment (Springer) 2005 - $99.00
- Pediatric Cataract Surgery - Techniques, Complications, and Management by M. Edward Wilson (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2005 - $149.00
- Pediatric Ophthalmology - Current Thought and A Practical Guide (Springer) 2009 - $239.00
- Pediatric Ophthalmology for Primary Care 3rd Edition by Kenneth W. Wright (American Academy of Pediatrics) 2008 - $69.95
- Phacoemulsification 3rd Edition 2 Vol Set (Taylor & Francis) 2004
- Phakic Intraocular Lenses - Principles and Practice by David R. Hardten (Slack Inc) 2003 - $214.95
- Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies 5th Edition by Bruce J. W. Evans (Elsevier) 2007 - $116.00
- Practical Manual of Intraocular Inflammation (Informa Healthcare) 2008 - $149.95
- Primary Angle-Closure & Angle-closure Glaucoma (Kugler Publications) 2007
- Primary Care Ophthalmology 2nd Edition by David A. Palay (Elsevier) 2005 - $88.00
- Primary Intraocular Lymphoma by Chi-Chao Chan (World Scientific) 2007 - $137.00
- Principles & Practice of Clinical Electrophsyiology of Vision 2nd Edition (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 2006 - $165.00
- Quick Reference Dictionary of Eyecare Terminology 4th Edition (SLACK Inc) 2005 - $39.95
- Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology - Anterior Segment (Elsevier) 2008 - $72.95
- Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology - Lens and Glaucoma (Elsevier) 2008 - $72.95
- Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology - Neuro-Ophthalmology (Elsevier) 2008 - $72.95
- Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology - Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Elsevier) 2008 - $72.95
- Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology - Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (Elsevier) 2008 - $72.95
- Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology - Retina (Elsevier) 2008 - $72.95
- Refractive Lens Surgery by I. Howard Fine (Springer) 2005 - $189.00
- Refractive Surgery - A Guide to Assessment and Management by Shehzad A. Naroo (Elsevier) 2004 - $59.95
- Retinal and Choroidal Angiogenesis by John S. Penn (Springer) 2008 - $179.00
- Retinal Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography by J. Fernando Arevalo (Springer) 2008 - $149.00
- Retinal Degenerations - Biology, Diagnostics and Therapeutics by Joyce Tombran-Tink (Humana Press) 2007 - $179.00
- Retinal Detachment - Priniciples and Practice 3rd Edition by Daniel A. Brinton (Oxford University Press) 2009 - $98.50
- Retinal Development by Evelyne Sernagor (Cambridge University Press) 2006 - $168.00
- Retinal Vascular Disease by Antonia M. Joussen (Springer) 2007 - $169.00
- Reversing Dry Eye Syndrome - Practical Ways to Improve Your Comfort, Vision, and Appearance (Yale University Press) 2007
- Risk Prevention in Ophthalmology (Springer) 2008 - $59.95
- Rosenbloom & Morgan's Vision and Aging by Alfred A. Rosenbloom (Elsevier) 2006 - $91.95
- Schlote, Pocket Atlas of Ophthalmology (Thieme Verlag) 2006 - $39.95
- Shields' Textbook of Glaucoma 5th Edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2005 - $189.00
- Signal Transduction in the Retina by Steven J. Fliesler (Taylor & Francis) 2008 - $169.95
- Step by Step LASIK Surgery (Taylor & Francis) 2006 - $249.95
- Stereoatlas of Ophthalmic Pathology - Anatomy and Pathology of the Peripheral Fundus by Peter Meyer (KARGER) 2006 - $326.00
- Strabismus Surgery and Its Complications (Springer) 2007 - $235.00
- Surgical Anatomy Around the Orbit - The System of Zones by Barry M. Zide (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2006 - $159.00
- Surgical Management of Inflammatory Eye Disease (Springer) 2008 - $139.00
- Terminology and Guidelines for Glaucoma 3rd Edition (European Glaucoma Society) 2008
- The Art and the Science of Cataract Surgery by Benjamin F. Boyd (Highlights of Ophthalmology Int'l) 2001
- The Dry Eye - A Practical Approach by Sudi Patel (Elsevier) 2003 - $69.95
- The Eye in Clinical Practice 2nd edition (Blackwell Science) 2001 - $106.95
- The Glaucomas Volume I - Pediatric Glaucomas by Roberto Sampaolesi (Springer) 2009 - $249.00
- The Hospital for Sick Children's - Atlas of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2007 - $179.00
- The Lacrimal System - Diagnosis, Management and Surgery by Adam J. Cohen (Springer) 2006 - $159.00
- The LASIK Handbook - A Case-Based Approach (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2007 - $89.00
- The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary - Illustrated Manual for Ophthalmology 3rd Edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2006 - $79.95
- The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Review Manual for Ophthalmology 3rd Edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2006 - $99.00
- The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Conjunctivitis by James N. Parker (ICON Health Publications) 2002 - $24.95
- The Ophthalmology Examinations Review by Tien Yin Wong (World Scientific Publishing) 2001 - $51.00
- The Pediatric Glaucomas (Elsevier) 2006 - $75.00
- The Slit Lamp Primer 2nd Edition by Janice K. Ledford (SLACK Inc) 2006 - $43.95
- The Wills Eye Hospital Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology 2nd Edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2001 - $249.00
- The Wills Eye Manual - Office and Emergency Room Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Disease 5th Edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2008 - $82.95
- Understanding Fluorescein Angiography (English, German and Spanish Edition) by Manfred Spitznas (Springer) 2006 - $119.00
- Vaughan & Asbury's General Ophthalmology 16th Edition (McGraw-Hill) 2004 - $87.00
- Vaughan & Asbury's General Ophthalmology 17th Edition (McGraw-Hill) 2007 - $72.95
- Visual Development, Diagnosis, & Treatment of the Pediatric Patient (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2006 - $85.00
- Visual Prosthesis & Ophthalmic Devices - New Hope in Sight (Humana Press) 2007 - $215.00
- Vitreoretinal Surgery by Thomas H. Williamson (Springer) 2008 - $179.00
- Vitreous Microsurgery 4th Edition (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 2007 - $179.00
- Yanoff & Duker Ophthalmology 3rd Edition - Expert Consult Elsevier) 2008 - $415.00

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